Building a Simple Vensim Model

This article was published on: December 5, 2012

A quick tutorial on building and running a new Vensim model.

Building a Simple Vensim Model from Ventana Systems, Inc. on Vimeo.


  • 0:00 – Introduction, new model, adding stocks and flows
  • 1:48 – Defining equations
  • 5:39 – Running the model & seeing output
  • 7:36 – Placing a graph on the screen and running live with Synthesim
  • 11:07 – Managing datasets
  • 12:29 – Refining the model with auxiliary variables & information arrows
  • 15:48 – Defining new equations
  • 18:53 – Units check & run
  • 20:24 – Causal Tracing
  • 22:06 – Conclusion & background
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