Fourteen reasons to trade in your spreadsheet

Spreadsheets are ubiquitous and useful, but spreadsheet thinking encourages some bad modeling habits that can endanger your organization and your credibility. With a true dynamic simulation environment, you can do better:

  1. Share your model with a comprehensible diagram showing how your world works.
  2. Test what-ifs instantaneously with Synthesim™.
  3. Audit on the fly with Causal Tracing™ – no more peering into cells one by one.
  4. Have real dynamics and feedback, not just what you can get by row/column fill operations.
  5. Write readable equations – no more =LN(B6)*1/(1+EXP(C4*(D9-D10)).
    Toll Revenue[Bridge,Segment]=Toll[Bridge,Segment]*trips[Bridge,Segment]*days per year
    Units: $/Year
  6. Avoid errors and rework from incomplete copy-paste-fill operations.
  7. Separate your model from your data and output, so your what-if explorations don’t accidentally wreck your crucial models.
  8. Easily compare models and output files, to see what’s changed.
  9. Escape the two-dimensional world, with up to 8 array dimensions and flexible mapping. No endless replication of tabs:
  10. Avoid instabilities inherent in running in discrete time.
  11. Automate quality tests with Reality Check™.
  12. Calibrate with appropriate statistics for dynamic systems.
  13. Use integrated Monte Carlo and optimization algorithms.
  14. Get more raw speed for large models.

Vensim plays nice with spreadsheets and databases, so your data can live in visible repositories, while your model is secure in a productive environment that promotes quality and supports faster, deeper analysis, insight and transparency.