Vensim Video Library

What’s new in Vensim 9?

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  • Vensim 9 launch sale, Ventity release and System Dynamics Society Seminar Series.
    1. Vensim 9 2. Vensim 9 launch sale, throughout the month of August 2021 3. Ventity 4.6 4. System Dynamics Society Seminar Series, Introduction to Modeling Process – Nici Zimmermann, August 18th 2021 5. Online courses 6. Applications 7. In the Forum 8. System Dynamics Conference News 9. Resources for Vensim users 10. Our official ...
  • Vensim 8.1 Release
    Vensim 8.1 is now available for download. See you at the System Dynamics Conference to talk about it!
  • Coronavirus & Epidemic Modeling
    Community Coronavirus Model This video explores a simple epidemic model, parameterized for a community confronting coronavirus. You can run the model using Vensim PLE or the Model Reader (or any higher version). Our getting started and running models videos provide a quick introduction to the software. The model: For PLE/Pro/DSS: community corona 7.mdl For the Reader (or any other): community ...
  • Translating Vensim models to Ventity
    This video covers Ventity’s features for importing Vensim models.0:00 – a quick overview of the import feature and how we think about it1:37 – importing a simple model of stock management18:05 – importing a more complex, subscripted competitive market model
  • Dynamic Simulation > Spreadsheets
    This video explores the improvements possible when a complex spreadsheet model is translated into Vensim.
  • Vensim 7 Synthesim + Sensitivity In Vensim 7, we’ve combined real-time Synthesim with sensitivity analysis, so you can see the distribution of outcomes from Monte Carlo runs interactively. This is great for giving users an appreciation of the risk associated with a decision, rather than just a best guess.
  • Data Science, Connected to the Bottom LineData Science, Connected to the Bottom Line Vensim can be used to put big data in context, by incorporating the learnings from big data in simulations that account for organizational structure and finances. Vensim can also do data intensive simulation, with flexible I/O, advanced algorithms for calibration, optimal filtering, confidence bounds and Monte Carlo simulation.
  • Modeling Discrete & Stochastic Events
    It’s generally a good idea to begin thinking about your models with continuous time and quantities, particularly for strategic applications where you care about the big picture. But there are times when it matters that quantities are discrete – you can’t ride half a horse. Here’s a quick look at modeling such situations, starting with ...
  • Vensim Causal Loop Diagramming
    This video shows several ways to build causal loop diagrams in Vensim. We start simple with Vensim PLE, and then illustrate some additional features, like navigation links, that are possible in DSS. The first ten minutes should have you up & running on the basics.
  • Model Analysis – World Dynamics
    This video walks through a critique of the World model that kicked off the Limits to Growth debate, starting with Forrester’s World Dynamics, followed by World3 and the Limits to Growth and many subsequent works. The purpose of this video is not to discuss the mapping of the world models to the real world, though that ...
  • Running models with Vensim PLE and the Model ReaderRunning models with Vensim PLE and the Model Reader
    A brief tutorial on running models with Vensim PLE and the Vensim Model Reader.
  • Causal Tracing in VensimCausal Tracing in Vensim
    A tutorial on Causal Tracing™ – following the chain of causality through a model for insight and debugging.
  • Lookups in VensimLookups in Vensim
    A tutorial on building and using lookups (table functions) in Vensim models.
  • Building a Simple Vensim ModelBuilding a Simple Vensim Model
    A quick tutorial on building and running a new Vensim model.